Choose Your Course
Transcendent Life Coaching Institute (TLC) is centered around an 8-month certification program which provides education like no other Life Coaching Certification.
Courses at Theological Institute of Transpersonal Psychology are focused on the highest learning. This is the place to learn about traditional ways of healing and transcending. You are joining a collective focused on reclaiming our birthright to peace, harmony and power.
Classes are offered once or twice a year. It is recommended that this is a 2-year program. It is required that each student take one elective* and a requirement.
Winter Quarter (Jan-March)
Intro to Transpersonal Psychology, Divine Feminine and Masculine, Alchemy 1, and Hypnotherapy 1*, Essenes Cosmology*.
Spring (April-May)
Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, Heal the Healer, Transpersonal Psychotherapy 1, Hypnotherapy Board Certificate (200 hrs)*
Summer Quarter (June- August)
Intro to Transpersonal Psychology, Divine Feminine and Masculine, Alchemy 2, and Hypnotherapy 1*, and Enneagram of Personality.*
Fall Quarter ( Oct -Dec)
Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, Heal the Healer, Transpersonal Psychotherapy 2, Plant Medicine*